The joy of receiving your first doll is indescribable. However, the reaction involves a huge smile and hug! We all remember receiving our first dolls, they are moments that are truly hard to forget. Our fondest childhood memories are because of our dolls! As little girls, our dolls served as our source of inspiration, companion, and friend.
The holiday season is a time of giving; both appreciation and gifts! So, this holiday season, we sisters decided to not just give back, but give a gift that has lasted us so long. A gift that keeps us smiling and joyful. After hosting several camps, parties, and craft days, we recognized the special bond our campers share with their dolls too!
With this in mind, in 2013 we began our annual tradition of donating dolls to the Santa Workshop at Ronald McDonald House of Stanford. We wanted to gift this special bond, companion, and source of joy to patients at the Ronald McDonald House.
We hope these dolls lift up a few girls' spirits, after all it's the most wonderful time of the year. Our dolls have given us many wonderful memories, and we hope to give a few girls this gift as well!